Getting started with Trading in Diablo II Resurrected
Andreliverod - 06 May 2022

DII Resurrected is based on peer-to-peer trading, and there are no auction houses or central marketplace inside of the game. This guide will look at how to trade and barter in D2R, figure out what an item is worth, and maximize profit when exchanging items.
Trading and bartering are how the game is designed, and it requires interaction with other players. Some people are friendly, and others are not. Always try to trade with a positive attitude. DiabloDex has built-in tools for rating players when trading. Watch out for scammers. Always exchange items via the trading window and double-check the item they are offering. Ensure that the stats are the same as in the trade description. Be sure to report scammers on our Discord server so that we can take appropriate action.
The Economy
The challenge in a trade and bartering economy is exchanging items for things you need, which can be challenging. Traditional trading in D2R is done via the game lobby, where a user creates game names based on what they offer and need. These names tend to be somewhat cryptic and hard to understand unless you are well versed and experienced in the D2R Economy. So what happens in situations like these is that currencies are created. In Diablo 2 Resurrected runes are used as the main currency, and gems are also used for lower value items. Runes carry some essential traits.
- They come in various rarities, making them easy to assign a value.
- Used in runewords to create several of the most powerful gear in the game, thus decreasing supply.
- Hard to find as Magic Find does not affect their drop rate
Gem also has value as they are used for several crafting recipes ranging from rerolling properties on items, creating powerful gear only available from crafting, and upgrading runes.
What is my item worth?

The value of items fluctuates as they do in real life. Depending on what mode you play, Hardcore/Softcore or Ladder/Non-Ladder, prices can vary. Items will also be more valuable at the start of a ladder when they are in more demand than later during the season. As time goes on and more gear drops, so will the prices. But certain items of high rarity will always be in high demand.
To estimate what your items are worth, you can look it up in the DiabloDex Item database. While it will always be hard to pinpoint the exact value, this will give you an idea of what price range you can expect for your item. In the same database, you will find the range of each of the stats of the same item, and the higher these values are, the more the item is worth. It is crucial to avoid "giving away" an expensive item just because you were unaware that a specific combination of item properties was worth a lot. At the same time, it is essential to know the price range of an item you are trading.
The additional stash space in Diablo II Resurrected is easier than ever to stash items. You can also consider creating a "Mule" character to store items you have put out for trade or commodities like Gems and runes that do not stack. You get both a new private Stash page and character inventory space with each character.
Needs and Offers - How to trade up in value
The marketplace consists of items people Offer and items they need. When you have an item, you do not need, put it out on the market as an Offer. We recommend that you always put in what you want for your item so that people can easily trade with you. The want should be in the form of an ordinary commodity like Runes or Gems to make it attractive to as many people as possible. Offering a rare, unique item and demanding another rare, unique item will lower your trading range. It is also an excellent idea to look up the marketplace and see what other people want for that item and price yourself in that range.
A trick for trading up in value is to look at people's Needs. Suppose you have items they need. A person will more than likely be willing to trade more in value than the market price. Looking at Needs is essential for traders. You can expect some extra value, but the trade will go through quicker, especially if they are online, which the DiabloDex app will tell you. Even if it is only a couple of extra Perfect Gems, trading up and getting some additional value for your items is key. When discussing and bartering items with other people, it helps to be polite—no need to get offended by a lousy offer. Kindly decline the offer.